Proiectul Sedrin

Bine ati venit pe site-ul proiectului Sedrin. Un proiect care are scopul de a ajuta copiii romi să completeze educația  primara.Am decis să abordam această problemă prin instruirea femeilor rome de a acționa ca intermediators pentru  copiii romi și școală.

According to data from the Council of Europe 50% of the Roma children around Europe do not complete their primary education. Some of the reasons that educational research has pointed out in order to explain this phenomenon are that during the child's early years at home, Roma parents may often lack information and parenting skills to support their children’s language and social development.

The project has decided to tackle this problem by training the Roma women to act as intermediators between the Roma children and the school. According to the opinion of the partnership, the Roma women are the most appropriate category of people to prepare the Roma children for the school because they are people known to the Roma children and they share the same culture and living conditions. Therefore, with the proper training of these women we believe that they could improve the inclusion of the Roma children in schools.

lifelong learning

Acest proiect este co-finanțat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene. Responsabilitatea privind conţinutul acestei publicaţii revine exclusiv autorilor. Conţinutul nu reflectă neapărat punctul de vedere al Uniunii Europene. Comisia Europeană nu este responsabilă pentru orice utilizare a informaţiilor conţinute în acest material.


Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries

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