Proiectul Sedrin

Bine ati venit pe site-ul proiectului Sedrin. Un proiect care are scopul de a ajuta copiii romi să completeze educația  primara.Am decis să abordam această problemă prin instruirea femeilor rome de a acționa ca intermediators pentru  copiii romi și școală.


During the last decade, the improvement of living conditions of EU Roma citizens
has progressively turned into a priority for the EU. In compliance with the request of
the European Commission for the Member States to elaborate National Roma Inclusion
Strategies, national, regional and local authorities have adopted initiatives for
the inclusion of Roma in many areas, two of which are education and housing. The
Redhous NEt project aims to create an EU Network for mutual policy learning and
cooperation in these areas and to raise awareness of decisive actors vis-à-vis the
most successful practices of coordination in these education and housing for Roma
from Eastern EU countries.
The methodology will consist of research mapping and
analysing policy practices and trends. The EU network will
provide mutual policy learning and an interactive webplatform
will be created. The target group of the project
is composed of public institutions (European, national,
regional and local), research boards and civil society
organisations, including Roma associations. A Strategic
Action Plan will be made that will indicate the activities
of the network after the duration of the project.

Coordinator: Dirreccion General de Coordinacion de Politicas Migratorias
Website: | Tel.: +34 955048768
E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată de spambots. Trebuie să aveți JavaScript activat ca să o puteți vedea. | Contact Person: Mr Israel Adan Castilla

Source: Roma and Education: Challenges and Opportunities in the European Union

© European Union, 2012


lifelong learning

Acest proiect este co-finanțat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene. Responsabilitatea privind conţinutul acestei publicaţii revine exclusiv autorilor. Conţinutul nu reflectă neapărat punctul de vedere al Uniunii Europene. Comisia Europeană nu este responsabilă pentru orice utilizare a informaţiilor conţinute în acest material.


Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries

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